Atolls of the Maldives

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The Maldives consists of a total of 26 atolls which are divided into 20 administrative atolls. The capital Malé ( the same island and three other islands ) belongs, although geographically part of the North Malé Atoll, in any administrative atoll since 1987, but is administered directly by the government.

Geographical atolls belonging to administrative atolls

The 26 geographical atolls of the Maldives are ranked according to three atoll groups that are separated by different widths, running east -west direction Channels:

  • Minicoy (north of the Maldives) Eight Degree Channel
  • Kardiva Channel
  • One and Half Degree Channel

Regardless of the atolls form two approximately parallel, running from north to south chains.

The following table lists the 26 geographical atolls and are for each of them belonging to administrative atoll (s) (the submarine bank ' Medhuthila ' is listed for completeness with ). The eight cases an exact match of geographical and administrative atoll atoll are marked with light green background color.
