
The building is a high school senior form of high school in Germany and Austria.


In Germany, the construction of high school is a school form, which can be visited after the Secondary school (possibly with skill note for the upper level of the Gymnasium ). It allows the acquisition of the necessary high school knowledge of a second foreign language.

Austria: Structure of high school and secondary school construction

In Austria, the high school building (AG) and construction grammar school is (ARG ) a pure form of senior general secondary school ( AHS ), with the matriculation examination and university entrance qualification (Matura) closes. It corresponds to the upper level of the normal school dist. the Oberstufenrealgymnasium ( ORG).

The type of school was founded in 1927 as a 5 -year-old junior high school tentatively set up to allow students with compulsory education, the university authority, and in 1934 introduced a special form in the school system. Although there are few such schools, it was enshrined in 1962 as a special form of AHS. Since the late 60s, it is a 4- year course.

The special type of school is that subjects such as foreign languages ​​( other than English ) start from the ground up, and thus no special requirements are necessary, which is designed to enable even beginners from other types of schools to attend high school seniors.


  • BG, BRG, BAG, BARG horn - the only school building of the Federal
  • Don Bosco High School Unterwaltersdorf (RG / AG / ARG)
  • Archbishop ARG Hollabrunn
  • High school and grammar school building of the monastery of Stams ( Meinhardinum )

Today, no more ARG:

  • BORG / i -NOVA BHAS Jenner village
  • Secondary school of the School Association at the Benedictine Abbey Lambach