August von Bibra

Ludwig Karl Georg Friedrich August Freiherr von Bibra ( born January 30, 1808 in Romrod, Upper Hesse, † 1894 in Germany ) was royally Wied'scher chamberlain and in 1851 Managing Director of the " Mainzer nobility association".


He was the son of Christian Ernst Heinrich Freiherr von Bibra and Luise Henriette Charlotte Baroness Riedesel and brother of Bertold von Bibra.


Bibra was indeed a member of the " Mainzer Adelsverein ", but was not involved in active business until 1847. Only when debt and mismanagement were apparent, the noble members feared for their reputation and especially their money, an adept in commercial questions man had from 1847 finally take on the task - August Freiherr von Bibra.

In 1851, when Prince Hermann of Wied had become President of the noble association, Bibra took over the entire management of the now inactive association. Over 10 years he fought to recover the debt club and tried to revive the emigration program. But this did not happen and in 1864 the entire operation was completed.
