Augusto Carlos Teixeira de Aragão

Carlos Augusto Teixeira de Aragão ( born June 15, 1823 in Lisbon, † April 29, 1903 ) was a Portuguese military doctor, numismatist, antiquarian and historian. As an officer of the Portuguese Army, he reached the rank of general. He is considered one of the "fathers of Numismatics " in Portugal.


Aragão was the son of José Maria Teixeira Aragão and his wife Mariana Hermogenes da Silva. He studied medicine and became Cirurgião - mór -em- chefe the Portuguese army.

He began as a surgeon in the parish of Melides in the county Grândola. He cared for the care of the sick and helped the needy and sufferers of there occurred in 1849 dysentery epidemic.

Early on, he devoted himself to collecting coins. His exceptional intellectual abilities, in conjunction with his friendship with Ludwig I of Portugal, it allowed him to deal intensively in this field of science.

In the 1860s he was responsible for the work at the excavation site of the rediscovered Roman city of Balsa at Tavira.

Numerous offices

In 1867, as Chancellor of the Office of the National Palace in Ajuda, he was responsible for organizing, cataloging and exhibition of the " Museu de Antiguidades da Ajuda ", where pieces of great value from the treasury of the Portuguese royal family, the abandoned monasteries and of individuals amassed. He also led the acquisition of new pieces. In exercising these responsibilities, he was also entrusted with the task to exhibit properties of the Portuguese royal collection at the Paris World Fair of 1867, and the " Commission de l' histoire du travail ". During the duration of the exposure he had the opportunity to come into contact with the world's most renowned personalities in the field of numismatics.

In 1870 he published the work Descrição Histórica the Moedas Romana existent no Gabinete de sua Numismático Majestade El- Rei D. O Senhor Luiz. A year later he became a corresponding member of the Brazilian " Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro " because his work had been evaluated by the " Comissão de Archeological e Ethnographia " positive.

In 1874 he joined the " Sociedade Histórica because Independencia de Portugal " and took over the post of Vice - Treasurer of the " Central 1 º de Dezembro Comissão 1640 ".

In 1875 he published the first of the three volumes of the monumental work Descrição Geral e Histórica the Moedas Cunhadas em Nome dos Reis, Regentes e Governor's de Portugal. Teixeira de Aragão had planned a fourth volume of this work, including the coins of Brazil and Portuguese West Africa should include the band was not realized.

In the same year he was appointed by the Government to implement the Commission of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts reform to connect the museums with historic preservation and archeology. During this time he reproduced the exact design of the Medalha de Olhão, which had been paid by the inhabitants of the town of Olhão the then Prince Regent D. João and later King Dom João VI of Portugal.

He was elected ( the Ciências de Lisboa Academia ) in the section of History and Archaeology of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Lisbon on 28 December 1876.

In 1877 he participated in the archaeological conference Citânia de Briteiros Guimaraes.

In 1880 he became a member of the Commission of the "Real Associação dos Architectos Civis e Archeologos Portuguezes " ( RAACAP ); whose main task was the question of the relevance of the objects in the exhibitions, as well as the management of the historical monuments.

In 1881 he was a member of the organizing committee for the exhibition of Spanish and Portuguese decorative arts in the South Kensington Museum in London.

In 1885 he became director of the Central Military Hospital of Tavira.

He was a member of the Geographical Society of Lisbon, the " Société Française de Numismatique " and the Committee of the antiquities collection of the "Real Academia de la Historia de Madrid ". In Brazil, he was admitted as a consultant of the Historical and Geographical Institute of São Paulo.


  • As minhas ferias. Lisbon, Typographia as Academia das Bellas Artes, 1843. 64p.
  • Vidigueira: Fragmentos históricos (PDF, 3.3 MB). Beja: O Bejense, 1861.
  • Vidigueira: Convento do Carmo (PDF, 1.9 MB). Beja: O Bejense, 1861.
  • Description des Monnaies, Médailles et Autres Objects D'Art Concernant L' Histoire Portugaise. Paris:. Imprimerie Administrative de Paul Dupont, 1867 171P.
  • Notes sur quelques numismates portugais of XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles: lettre a M. le Vicomte de Ponton d' Amécourt. Paris: Pillet, 1867.
  • Relatório sobre o Cemitério Romano Descoberto próximo because cidade de Tavira em Maio de 1868. Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1868. 20p.
  • Catálogo descriptivo the moedas e Medalhas portuguezas que parte formam because Colecção do Visconde de Sanches de Baena. Lisbon, Typographia de Castro Irmão, 1869.
  • Descripção Histórica the Moedas Romana existent no Gabinete de sua Numismático Magestade EL Rei O Senhor Dom Luiz I. Lisbon, Typographya Universal, 1870. 640p.
  • D. Vasco da Gama ea Villa da Vidigueira D. Vasco da Gama ea Villa da Vidigueira. Lisbon, Typographya Universal, in 1871.
  • Typos politicos: Mestre Manoel Camões. Lisbon, Almanac Arsejas - Liv. Arsejas, 1872.
  • Descrição geral e histórica the moedas cunhadas em nome dos reis, Regentes e Governor's de Portugal ( Tomo I). Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1875. 538p.
  • Descrição geral e histórica the moedas cunhadas em nome dos reis, Regentes e Governor's de Portugal ( Tomo II). Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1877. 578p.
  • Descrição geral e histórica the moedas cunhadas em nome dos reis, Regentes e Governor's de Portugal ( Tomo III). Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1880. 714p.
  • Vasco da Gama e a Vidigueira: Estudo historico. Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1887. 164p.
  • Anneis: Estudo. Lisbon, Typographia since the Academia Real Sciencias, 1887. 25 p.
  • Breve noticia sobre o Descobrimento because América. Lisbon, Typographya since the Academia Real Sciencias, 1892. 80p.
  • Catálogo dos objectos de arte e industria dos indígenas because América que, pelas festas commemorativas do 4 ° Centenario da sua descoberta, a Real Academia de Lisboa Envia the Sciencias à Exposição de Madrid. Lisbon, Typographya since the Academia Real Sciencias, 44p 1892..
  • Diabruras, santidades e prophecias. Lisbon, Typographya since the Academia Real Sciencias, 1894. 151P.
  • Antiguidades romanas de balsa. Lisbon, O Archeologo Português, 1896. N. º 2 Pp. 55-57.

Awards and honors

  • Medalha Teixeira de Aragão (Teixeira de Aragão Medal) - coined in 1963 by the Portuguese Society of Numismatics in bronze (diameter 70 mm, weight 163 g ).
  • Praça Teixeira de Aragão doutor ( Place " Dr. Teixeira de Aragão " ), in the municipality of Benfica in the Lisbon District.
  • Letters