Avinu Malkeinu

The Malkenu Avinu (Our Father, Our King ) is a Jewish prayer that has evolved from an old litany-like salutation. Every sentence begins with the words " Avinu Malkenu " followed by varying requests.

Originally spoken in public fast days, it is the latest occupied since Rabbi Akiba, who has already used this formula.

It is in the nature of a litany that it can be easily extended, and so the prayer has been worked out more and more over the centuries. In the oldest known prayer book from the 9th century, the prayer contains 25 sentences, later versions have been distributed over 50 sets.

The litany is now implemented in different directions and the Jewish part of the liturgy of the 10 days of repentance ( 1st to 10th of Tishrei, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur ), but also usual with the Jews all over the world at various fast days.

Pictures of Avinu Malkeinu
