Babcock Borsig Service

Babcock Borsig Steinmueller GmbH (BBS GmbH) is the parent company of Bilfinger Berger Power Services Group. BBS GmbH is an international service provider in the power generating industry with 2,800 employees.

In 1970 the Deutsche Babcock Borsig AG took over. A few years later the name was changed to Babcock Borsig AG. Since 2005, the Babcock Borsig Service Group a subsidiary of Bilfinger Berger AG. Before integration, some joint ventures as well as the German Babcock Middle East were established even directly abroad. After this incorporation acts BBS GmbH since May 2006 under the umbrella of Bilfinger Berger Power Services GmbH ( BBPS GmbH. )

Besides GmbH itself includes a number of subsidiaries of the group. The most important are the company Steinmueller, Babcock Noell and Babcock Borsig Power Holding.

The Power Services division deals with the repair, maintenance, efficiency enhancements and lifetime extensions and supply of components. The BBPS GmbH created service concepts for conventional and nuclear power plants, environmental and water treatment plants, mining and other industries such as waste incineration, chemical, petrochemical and steel production as well as research centers of elementary particle physics, nuclear fusion and nuclear engineering.

Through the buying of the company Steinmueller based in Peitz Babcock Borsig Steinmueller changed its name in 2011 in Babcock Borsig Steinmueller GmbH.

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