Baby walker

A walker (including go-cart, baby walker, baby walker baby walker school or called ) is a seating device in a rack on a plurality of wheels for infants, with which they can move around by kicking. The range of motion of the child is resized. Often a kind of table is attached, which is used in the form of a shelf or used with either rattles or figures as a game board.


The assumption that Walkers promote the development of movement or even accelerate, is now refuted. Since natural motion sequences are severely limited, the normal physiological development is rather slowed down. In addition, children learn by hanging in the walker an incorrect gait, which is often in need of treatment. It can also lead to foot deformities and muscle shortening. The entire Gehapparat the child can be pulled by a baby walker affected.

Since children can move about with the aid of a walker short with up to 10 km / h, the risk of injury (eg, bruising or falling down stairs ) very high. Each year, about 6,000 children draw in Germany injuries in accidents involving baby walkers to. Many parents underestimate the increased scope of their offspring.

In Canada, the sale of baby walkers on 7 April 2004 was banned. Canada is the first country in the world, the sale, import and advertising bans for it. Even at flea markets, these devices may not be sold there.
