
As Babymoon designate certain German media a holiday in pregnancy.

This name is derived from the term "honeymoon " (English honeymoon ). The term babymoon is a portmanteau, and was taken up by the travel industry, in order to emphasize the need for travel during pregnancy on the basis of the "honeymoon ".

The best time for a babymoon is the second trimester of pregnancy because symptoms such as nausea are already over. This is the time 13 to 28 weeks gestation, where the risk of premature birth is still very low.

Most Babymoon hotels and offers are presently in Austria and southern Germany. But in many other destinations offer hoteliers now at Babymoon packages.


The term babymoon was coined by the British author and teacher Sheila Kitzinger birth. Initially designated the word until after the birth, which alone brings the family to establish a bond with the newborn. The newly born baby is part of a group, namely the parents and siblings and later finally the entire family. This family bond is necessary for survival for the baby. Lack of family ties were in Europe until the 20th century, the cause of bondage in agriculture.

In recent years, the importance of this concept, however, has changed. Babymoon now means the last holiday that a couple spends in front of the child's birth. The term has been extended from the travel industry even stronger. There is now also the " babymoon for families." Hotels here offer besides the usual Babymoon offerings at a child care as a relief for the parents.
