Back-rank checkmate

The basic series Matt is a tactical turn in chess. A lady or a tower close in on the opponent's home row and sets the castled king, who is trapped behind a wall of peasants, matt. It also speaks of a basic series weakness of the opponent.


After the white lady has initially pushed the black king by a chess commandment penetrates white one on the 8th row and sets the king matt there.

1 Df3 - f7 Kg8 - h8 2 DF7 -f8 Te8xf8 3 Tf1xf8 #


To fix your own back rank weakness, the defender has the following resources available:

  • He can pull a farmer before the castled king forward and thus create an air hole. If in the example would be the black train up, he could pull h7 - h6, so that the black king can escape to h7.
  • It can cover the basic series. Again, in the example above could be black if he were on train, his lady move to b8 and defend the base line against the intrusion on f8.

The disadvantage of both methods is that they are passive defense measures and cost time, the opponent can often be used for actions elsewhere. Therefore, it is often a counter-attack the method of choice. In the example above could be black, he would be on the course:

  • Prefer his peasants on b1 and convert it to a lady. The new lady creates a crucial substantive overweight and captivates the white rook at f1, so that he can not checkmate.
  • The lady move to c5 and give chess. Black wins with it a train time and covers the same field burglary f8. He can now force the confrontation Re8 -f8 for a battle of one of the two white figures attack.

In the example above, these options are obvious. In particular, more complex game situations, they are often difficult to detect. It is important for the defending player in such positions that he recognizes all of these resources and takes the time to weigh their pros and cons against each other.

Game example

An illustrative example of the use of the basic series weakness is found in the ( fictional) game Adams - Torre, New Orleans in 1920, in which many times the white lady is presented without chess bid as victims.
