
The backspace key ( German backspace, backspace or delete key back, no common abbreviation ) is a PC keyboard key, the cursor moves one position to the left when actuated and the sign removed there. This corresponds to the function of the " correction " button at typewriters. It deletes thus in the opposite " direction" of the delete key. On keyboards, the key is often labeled with ← (or with ⌫ ).

Most web browsers interpret the backspace key as " Back ", that is, the most recently invoked in the course page is called.

The control character for backspace (BS ) has the ASCII value of 8 and corresponds in many terminals ^ H ( Ctrl H). EBCDIC BS has the value 16hex. If an ASCII terminal does not have the function to move the cursor to the left, ^ H is output instead.

In Internet forums, is sometimes alluded to by a word in a sentence and then started "deleted" with ausgeschriebenem ^ H is:

Because I am a coward ^ H ^ H ^ H ^ Hvorsichtig, just a harmless example It shows what was actually meant, but then "deleted" was.

An extension of the Backspace presence particularly in the Unix / Linux ^ W ( Ctrl W) or the Ctrl Backspace ( similar to the Ctrl Del) represents, thus the last word can be deleted, that is, there are all characters removed until the last previous whitespace. Further, all the previous characters of the current line can be deleted with ^ U (Ctrl U). Also, some text editors like vim or emacs offer this possibility.

Unicode contains a symbol for the control character, the character ␈ (U 2408 ).
