Baen Books

Baen Books is a book publisher in the United States. The publisher produces and sells mainly science fiction and fantasy.


The publishing house was founded in 1983 by Jim Baen. After Jim Baen died on 28 June 2006, the long -time colleague Toni Weisskopf succeeded him as head of the company.

Authors and works

Authors include Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, Poul Anderson, John Ringo, CJ Cherryh, Spider Robinson, Charles Sheffield, Mercedes Lackey, Harry Turtledove, Lois McMaster Bujold, SM Stirling, Timothy Zahn, Robert Asprin, L. Sprague de Camp and many others.

Under the title Baen Free Library, the publisher offers free downloads of several books of its authors as an e -book. These include, for example, issues of the Honor Harrington series by David Weber and Eric Flint's " 1632 series".
