Bai (surname)

( For a description of the Bai ethnic group as one of the 56 recognized by the People's Republic of China People Groups see Bai )

Bai is a family name in different cultures.


Bai is a Chinese family name. Transcription is among others for the following Chinese characters:

Bai (柏) is the surname of the following persons:

Bai (白) is the surname of the following persons:

  • Bai Juyi (白居易, Bái Juyi / Bó Juyi * 772, † 846 in Luoyang ); Chinese poet of the (Tang Dynasty )
  • Bai Ling白灵/白灵, Bai Ling born October 10, 1970 in Chengdu; Chinese actress.
  • Bai Yang白杨, Bái Yáng * 1920, † 1996; Chinese actress