Baisigou Square Pagoda

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The twin pagodas of Baisikou (Chinese拜 寺 口 双塔, Pinyin Baisikou Shuangta ) are located at the eastern foot of Helan Mountains on a high level in the area of the circle Helan administrative areas of the prefecture-level city of Yinchuan, the capital of the Autonomous Region of Ningxia Hui Nationality in the People's Republic of China.

Wood investigations with the C- 14 method revealed that they have been built in the middle or late Xixia time. The intervening temple has been destroyed by earthquakes.

The pagodas have slightly differing forms, are built of hollow brick, octagonal with thirteen bullets and have wide eaves. The eastern pagoda is 39 meters high, the western 36 m.

They are since 1988 on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China ( 3-154 ).

The third Pagoda

Approx. ten kilometers away was in a side valley a third pagoda with a square base ( Fangta ). This was destroyed in 1990 by vandals. During clearance in August and September of 1991, archaeologists found under the guidance of Xixia specialists Niu Dasheng牛 达 生among other things, with movable wooden types ( muhuozi ) printed copy of the written in Xixia font Buddhist work (English ) Lucky spreading sutra continuation or continuation for Propitiousness Everywhere Reading Edition (吉祥 遍 至 口 和 本 续, Ji xiang bian zhi xu kou hey ben ) from the time of Xixia (photo), which is kept in the research Institute of Cultural objects and Archaeology of Ningxia.
