Baka language

Spoken in

Ubangische languages

  • Sere - Mba Ngbaka west Baka - Gundi


The Baka (also called loading bayaga sawn Bayaka and Bibaya de L' est) is one of three closely related ubangischen languages ​​that are spoken by the Baka Pygmies of Cameroon and Gabon.

The peoples are ethnically closely related to the Aka Pygmies, collectively called the Mbenga ( Bambemga ) two, but the languages ​​are not related, except for the vocabulary that deals with forestry - which suggests that the Aka the Bantu of a language such as Baka changed.

About 30 % of the Baka vocabulary is not ubangisch. Most of it relates to a specialized forestry, so words like edible plants, medicinal plants and honey collection, which has been postulated as a remnant of an ancient Pygmäensprache otherwise disappeared. However, there are, apart from a few words also used by the Aka, no evidence of a more linguistic relations with any other Pygmäenvölkern.


  • Languages ​​that are struggling to survive ( 1/6), Arte, France, 2013


  • Map of Baka language from the LL_Map Project
  • Information on Baka language from the MultiTree Project
  • Baka Pygmies Culture and photos, with soundscapes of Baka camps in the rainforest