Baliem Valley

- 4.1138.951657Koordinaten: 4 ° 6 ' 0 " S, 138 ° 57' 0" E

The Baliem Valley is a high mountain valley in the middle of the central highlands of the Indonesian province of Papua in western New Guinea. Center of the valley is Wamena.

Geographical location

Originally, the Baliem Valley was designated as Grand Valley. Today his name depends on the current flowing through the valley Baliem River. The Baliem Valley lies at about 1,600 m asl and extends geographically over a width of about 12 kilometers, with a longitudinal extent of about 50 kilometers. The valley runs from northwest to southeast. Marshy in many places, the river provides irrigation mosaics opportunities for small garden crops. Limestone and sandstone hills barriers can sometimes interrupt the design image. The surrounding countryside is (highly) mountainous with peaks at 2500-3000 meters above sea level. In the southwest, the peaks reach up to 4750 m altitude ( TRIKORA Crest ). Travelers tributaries from the mountains feed the Baliem. In the southeast part - the exit of the valley - rises a limestone gorge dolinenübersäte ( Baliem Gorge ). Make caves, a-like water masses exiting the landscape.

Approximately 50,000 residents, mostly Dani and Yali live within the valley. On the western mountain slopes around the Lani. Approximately 750,000 Papuans mountain clans settle in the surrounding highlands. From Wamena from the expeditions to the tribes of the region are made.

Discovery history

The valley was not until very late, in 1938, discovered by whites. Richard Archbold, an American zoologist and philanthropist, identified purely by chance a cultivated valley surrounded by agriculture of up to 4500 m high mountains surrounding jungle, the earned more detailed investigation during a flight out of an airplane. The late discovery is primarily due to infrastructural Unerschlossenheit far-reaching parts of the island ( even today are settlements of the families of the Korowai completely uncontacted ) due. The surprising extent that, the Papuan jungle is considered the most impenetrable in the world. The long untouched authentic lifestyles of Dani and other tribes were able to until the middle of the last century obtained. In 1954 came the first missionary, Lloyd van Stone, by parachute jump in this valley a. Despite the now used industrial progress still people living in remote areas until today unswervingly in the tradition of their ancestors.


Ins Baliem Valley can make several trips. These are ( regularly) organized by Wamena starting on foot or by taxi. Always recommended by the guide is a locals guide.

An excursion by Sinatma, a small village with Protestant mission station and (though abandoned ) Liane Suspension Bridge, or after Enalaga / Pugima with museum and scenic recreational amenities. In Akima can admire mummies; near the former battlefields of Dani (such as: Dugum Dani ). Jiwika comes up with a source of salt. Kanti Lola Cave caves and with a number of karst mountains. Danau Habbema, a high plateau south-west of Wamena, impressed by scenic panoramas of the lakes and mountains of the surrounding high mountains.
