Balmerino Abbey

Daughter monasteries


The monastery Balmerino (En: Balmerino Abbey ) is a former Cistercian monastery in Scotland. It is located about 8 km west of Newport-on -Tay towards Dundee, on the south side of the Firth of Tay.


The Convent was founded in 1229 by King Alexander II of Scotland and his mother Ermengarde de Beaumont. Balmerino Abbey was a daughter foundation of Melrose Abbey, which in turn was a daughter house of Clairvaux Abbey Primary, and the 605 medieval Cistercian abbey monk. In 1547 it was burned by British troops, and again in 1559 by Scottish Protestants. Around the year 1607 it became the secular rule for James Elphinstone, the first Lord of Balmerino. The plant now belongs to the National Trust for Scotland.

Buildings and plant

From the plant, only the chapter house, the parlatorium and the sacristy wall and parts of the northern church transept and the north wall of the nave are preserved.
