
Bambusina is an endemic freshwater genus of green algae group of ornamental algae ( Desmidiales ). It consists of a few species. In Central Europe, only the type Bambusina brebissonii occurs.


The representatives form unbranched filaments of a cell number. The cells are short cylindrical and extends in the middle to form a ring. Your isthmus is cut shallow. The cell consists of two symmetrical trapezoidal halves of the nucleus is centrally located in each cell half an axially constant chloroplast with pyrenoid and longitudinal strips. Sitting standing in rows warts structures on the surface of the central ring. Growth occurs by cell division within the thread. Here, a cell wall -half is retained and the second is newly formed.

Asexual reproduction occurs by filament growth. The threads disintegrate easily. Sexual reproduction takes place by the characteristic for the jewelry algae conjugation. The zygotes are oval, their wall is smooth.


The representatives of the genus occur in bog pools in hollows and ditches of sphagnum bogs in front of partially quite frequently.


  • K.-H. Linne von Berg, K. Hoef -Emden, B. Marin, M. Melkonian: The Cosmos algae leader. The main freshwater algae under the microscope. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2004, pp. 272, ISBN 3-440-09719-6

Pictures of Bambusina
