
Violettlicher Weißsporstacheling ( Banker violascens )

The Weißsporstachelinge ( Banker ) is a fungal genus in the family of Weißsporstachelingsverwandten ( Bankeraceae ).


The Weißporstachelinge form medium-sized, articulated in hat and stem fruiting body with a velvety to scaly hat surface, the white to brown in color may be. The hymenophore the Weißsporstacheling consists in mature fruiting bodies of gray spines. The stem of the Weißsporstachelinge be plump and as the hat color. The meat ( Trama ) is fixed to fibrous and light and not zoned. When drying the mushrooms smell significantly after lovage or Maggi.

The Hyphensystem consists of similar hyphae ( monomitisch ). They are inflated and have no buckles. Cystidia are absent. The basidia are viersporig; the spore powder is white. The spores themselves are hyaline and have a spherical to broadly elliptic shape and a nodular to prickly surface.


The Weißsporstachelinge are mycorrhizal fungi that are associated with conifers. The fruiting bodies grow on the ground.


For Europe, two species are mentioned in the literature:

  • Smoke -colored Weißsporstacheling ( Banker fuligineoalba )
  • Violet Weißsporstacheling ( Banker violascens )