Barbershop in Germany

BinG ( official spelling: BinG; Barbershop in Germany), the Association of Barbershop in Germany. It was founded in 1992 by interested parties to the small German barbershop scene and is a registered charity based in Dortmund. He is the organizing body for the ( in Germany ) every two -yearly competition of all barbershop singers, the Convention, and Editor of the quarterly club magazine.

Member of BinG may be, who represents a barbershop quartet or a barbershop chorus. BinG has about 700 members, who are organized, inter alia, in 23 choruses and 32 quartets (as of March 2013).

In 2002 BinG in Munster celebrated its tenth anniversary with a big concert in the auditorium of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität.

President of BinG was long in the 1990s and is now after interruption since 2004, the Musical Director of the Ladies First from Dortmund, Manfred Adams.
