Bare-throated Tiger Heron

Bare-throated Woodpecker ( Tigrisoma mexicanum )

The Bare-throated Woodpecker ( Tigrisoma mexicanum ) is a common Central American herons.


The Bare-throated heron reaches a length of 70 to 80 cm. His throat is, as the name suggests, featherless. Their color is yellowish, rich bright orange during breeding time. The plumage of the adult bird is gray with thin black stripes. On the head they wear a black cap. The neck base is white with a black border. The abdomen is dark brown. The chicks are striped wider, and belly and throat are white with them.


Its circulation area covers Central America from southern Mexico to Panama. Also in adjacent regions of Colombia it occurs. Habitat are especially mangroves, besides also freshwater habitats.


The Bare-throated Heron feeds mainly on fish, but also captured crustaceans and frogs. In the breeding he built his nest usually in a tree. This consists of branches and twigs. In it, the female lays from mono-to three grüngesprenkelte eggs. The clutch is incubated by both parents birds.
