Barrington Land Iguana

Santa Fe head drusen ( Conolophus pallidus )

The Santa Fe head drusen ( Conolophus pallidus ), also known as Barrington head drusen or Santa Fe land iguana, is a type of drusen heads. The animals live only on the Galapagos island of Santa Fe (formerly called Barrington ). On the other Galapagos Islands of Ordinary Druze head ( Conolophus subcristatus ) lives.

The animals are up to 1.10 m long, feeding on vegetable, such as sprouts and flowers of Opuntia. The body of the Druze heads is yellowish to brown, often mottled, with skin folds in the neck crest. The females lay 3-12 leathery eggs, then, buried in a hole in the ground, are incubated by the sun or geothermal about 50 days.

In contrast to ordinary Druze head of his skin shows a stronger yellow color and the spines on the back are more pronounced.
