Barry Stevens (therapist)

Barry Stevens ( * 1902, † 1985) was an American psychotherapist.

A higher profile in the U.S., it reached in 1970 with her ​​book, Do not Push the River, in which she describes her personal experiences in 1969, founded by Fritz Perls Gestalt community at Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Iceland, Canada. They are at the same time a sensitive insight into the working methods of Gestalt therapy, and in the person Fritz Perls, who died a short time later. With this book, she reached a kind of cult status, from which they personally but distanced himself because her was foreign to any kind of "star" worship especially in the Human Potential Movement of the 1970s. The book was translated into several languages.

The months at Lake Cowichan presented their period of training in Gestalt therapy dar. Later she developed the first in the history of Gestalt therapy a form of Gestalt therapy body work. In this case, their action remained holistically, so took into account the unity of body, mind and soul. She called their operation de - controlling.

In its gestalt therapy work her main focus was on " awareness " ( awareness), one of the pillars of Gestalt therapy. She repeatedly emphasized the importance of awareness to rules; especially in their body work that is not expired schematically.

In 1967, the year in which they first met Fritz Perls, Barry Stevens ended a joint book project with another significant psychotherapist Carl Rogers. However, there was difficulty in finding a publisher. Barry Stevens ' son, John O. "Steve" Stevens decided to publish the book himself and founded the publishing house for " Real People Press." The book was published under the title of Person to Person ( German: " From man to man "). In the course of Real People Press was, so Steve Stevens, and in this case with the assistance of Barry Stevens, one of the most famous books of Fritz Perls out: Gestalt Therapy Verbatim; German title: " Gestalt Therapy in Action" (1969). This was followed by Fritz Perls' autobiography In and Out the Garbage Pail; German title: " Gestalt perception. Warped and Relocated from my garbage can "(1969). "Steve" Stevens later changed his name to Steve Andreas.

In 1976 Barry Stevens a significant proportion of the founding of the first American journal of Gestalt therapy, the figure Journal.

Shortly before her death in 1985 saw Barry Stevens nor the release of their latest book burst out laughing, which contributes heavily autobiographical character.

Barry Stevens was, inter alia, friends with Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley.


  • With C. Rogers: Person to Person. Real People Press, 1967; German: from person to person. Opportunities to meet and others. Junfermann, Paderborn, 1984; republished: Peter Hammer Verlag, Cologne, 2001.
  • Do not Push the River. Real People Press, Lafayette, Cal. 1970; German: Do not Push The River. Gestalt therapy at their roots. Peter Hammer Verlag, Cologne, 2000.
  • Bodywork. In: J. O. Stevens ( ed.): build is. Real People Press, Moab, Utah, 1975, pp. 157-184; German: Gestalt body work. In: Gestalt criticism. Journal of Gestalt therapy. 2/2000, pp. 18-47 ( GIK ).
  • Voids, Voids, Voids, - Noddings! . In: J. O. Stevens ( ed.): build is. Real People Press, Moab, Utah, 1975, pp. 185-200; German: Life does not take place in the head. In: Gestalt criticism. Journal of Gestalt therapy. 1/2000, 42-49 ( GIK ).
  • Burst out laughing. Celestial Arts, Berkeley, Cal. In 1985.