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Bases is a Finnish service company that specializes in real-time network management. Founded in 2001 by CEO Pasi Hurri and other leading Finnish Internet pioneer, the company both in Finnish as well as international market grew rapidly. The headquarters of bases located in Helsinki, Finland. Additional offices are located in Sunnyvale, Atlanta and Amsterdam.

The base measurement and analysis method based on grid computing. Here, tasks are each shared by a number of redundant scale computers on the network, resulting in higher process speeds. The company operates its business model Software as a Service, SaaS. The use of bases is one of the few grid - computing applications by SMEs. The high development costs of this technology make them more likely to be a domain of large corporations.


Bases began with the monitoring of computer and communication networks. Meanwhile, the base technologies of the future are also used increased amount of monitoring environmental engineering measurements and real-time measurements of energy consumption.

Bases is one of the founders of the FennoGrid Association, the exchange and provision of information about grid computing and peer -to-peer dedicated to research. FennoGrid is also actively involved in the disclosure of and cooperation in projects on these topics. Bases is also a member of an international e-Science consortium EGEE.

Bases has developed the bases platform for the online network management. All its services are based on the base platform, aiming at improving the infrastructure performance. The base platform is integrated into the networks of customers, such as the CRM, billing system and trouble ticketing system, and includes real-time alarms and error messages of sources. A central feature of the base platform is that all information can be viewed by different terminal devices, for example, via PCs, laptops and smartphones.

Some time ago, bases also began to focus on the energy market and the associated mainly on monitoring of components of the smart grid (smart grid ). In the energy sector, the base system has been taken from various major energy utilities in use. The bases Platform currently has a value of more than 10 million smart meters per minute under Monitoring and makes data available in real time. Bases aims to be the foundation for the smart grid by connecting each measurement point in the energy market.

Bases Energy Awareness Technologies (BEAT ) is a technology designed to increase the energy consumption awareness among consumers. Through the provision of real-time energy consumption data consumers should be encouraged to save energy. This gives the consumer the ability to compare the energy efficiency of electrical appliances at home with each other and regulate their energy consumption behavior.

