Basilic vein

The basilic vein (Arabic: al- başlık - inside) is the vein which as basilica vein of the forearm on the little finger side of the hand dorsum begins, and draws on the flexor side. In the elbow she takes the median cubital vein or vena basilica and is now called on median basilic vein. It opens in the middle of the medial biceps groove in the basilic hiatus in one of the two venae brute.

Medical importance

The basilic vein is inside of the elbow, such as the cephalic vein, often used on the outside of the upper arm for blood draws or intravenous injections. They must be distinguished from a superficial brachial artery, as it may cause serious damage in the case of an injection of certain drugs.


The German designation as " King vein " of the ( Latin word meaning basilica - Portico / King's Hall ) is misleading and without reference to the meaning or function of this vein.
