Bathurst Inlet

Bathurst Inlet is a deep bay on the north coast of the Canadian mainland in the territory of Nunavut. In the north, the bay opens to the Coronation Gulf.

The Western River empties into the southern end of the bay. The Burnside River has its mouth at the Arctic Sound, a bay western side of Bathurst Inlet.

The English name of the bay, " Bathurst Inlet ", and the name of the bay by the natives, " Kingoak " ( " Qingaut " ), are also used for the settlement of Bathurst Inlet. This is on the west coast of the bay.

Plans a deepwater port

A consortium of seven mining companies funded an environmental study for the construction of a deep water port in Bathurst Inlet.

The plans included the construction of a 211 km -long road, which should link the port to the mines. The port should be designed for vessels up to 25,000 tons.
