Bé Chuille

Bé Chuma [ B'e ː ' Xuma ], also Becuma, Bé Chuille, Becuille, is in Celtic mythology of Ireland, a woman of the people of the Tuatha Dé Danann. As parents are Tuirenn and Flidais called as sisters and Be Found Theite.


In a story told in the metric Dindsenchas Bé Chuma is in violation of the Tuatha Dé Danann, because she commits adultery with a son Manannan mac Lir God of the sea. She flees to Tara King Conn Cétchathach ( " Conn of a hundred battles " ), whose mistress she is. Conn sends her on her wish even his son Art mac Cuinn into exile, but is punished for his wrong. It is seen evil of his reign and his kingdom, to Conn finally fulfills the demands of the people and separates from Bé Chuma again.

A version of the Lebor Laignech ( "The Book of Leinster " ) around 1150 AD calls Bé Chuille a divine enchantress and sister of Danu, the Tuatha Dé Danann comes with from Greece to Ireland and there of "gray air - demons " is killed.
