
The beach salmon ( Leptobrama muelleri ) (Size: leptos thin; Old French: bresme a freshwater fish ) is a fish which is found on the south coast of New Guinea and on the coasts of northern Australia from Queensland to Western Australia. He lives along the beaches and in estuaries in the sea, brackish water, and is sometimes also in rivers.


Beach salmon is 35 inches long. Your body is flattened elongated and laterally. The mouth extends far beyond the small eyes that have a Fettlid. The Vorkiemendeckel is sawed. The dorsal fin is short, is behind the center of the body and is supported by four spines and 16-18 soft rays. The anal fin has three spines and 26 to 30 soft rays. The lateral line runs in an arc above the pectoral fins. It has long and narrow pores. Along the lateral line counts to 75 to 77 scales. Beach salmon have short, usually ten gills Reuse rays.
