Bebe language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Benue -Congo Bantoide languages Southern bantoide languages Beboide languages Eastern beboide languages


Bebe ( yi be wu, ISO 639-3 Ratio ) is a bantoide language, which belongs to the language group of the beboiden languages ​​and is spoken in north-west Cameroon in the villages Bebe- Jama and Bebe- Jatto.

She is the eponymous language of beboiden languages. All languages ​​of this language group as the Noone was added counted because of the similarity with the Bebe to beboiden languages. Bebe himself had in 2001, however, only 2,500 people.

The language belongs to the subgroup of the eastern beboiden languages. The speakers of this language can usually also the languages ​​Kamtok ( the Cameroonian Pidgin English ) [ wes ], Kemezung [ dmo ], English [eng ] and Nsari [ asj ].
