Beira (antelope)

The Beira ( Dorcatragus megalotis ) is a dwarf antelope that lives only in a relatively small area, which covers the northern parts of Somalia and Djibouti. Occasionally wander individual animals on the territory of Ethiopia.

With a body length of 80 cm, a shoulder height of 65 cm and a weight of 10 kg, it is quite large for a dwarf antelope. It is colored reddish brown on the upper side and lower side white. The head appears yellowish. The ears are exceptionally large. Only the males have horns, which are about 9 cm long and straight.

The habitat of Beira are stony semi-desert. In mountainous areas, she pounces Steinbockart from rock to rock. You searched for grasses and leaves, from which it covers all their fluid requirements. More water intake does not need the Beira. Beiras live in small herds of up to seven animals which are grouped around a male.

The IUCN classifies the Beira as endangered. Because of the extremely unstable political situation in Somalia, the current status of this antelope is, however, unknown.
