Belarusian Arabic alphabet

The Belarusian Arabic alphabet was created in the 16th century in order to play with the help of the Arabic script, the Belarusian language.

It consists of 28 letters and differs in some details from the ordinary Arabic alphabet.

  • To play the lute Sh, sealed and P ( « ж ", " ч " and " п » ), that do not exist in Arabic, Turkish -Persian characters were used:
  • For the description of the sounds " дз " and " ц " were invented new characters:


  • For the loud " ў " no own character was introduced; here the same character as for " в " was used.

The Belarusian Arabic alphabet was used by Belarusian Tatars. In the 14th to 16th centuries, they gave up their own language and used the altweißrussische language, but with Arabic script.


Vowels are not listed here because they - are displayed only with diacritical marks - as in Arabic.
