Belarusian cuisine

The kitchen of Belarus based on meat and different kinds of vegetables, like other cuisines of the countries of Eastern and Northern Europe.

Formation of the Belarusian cuisine

The food culture developed differently in different regions and among different population groups in the country.

The different faith ( Orthodox Christian with small farmers, the Union gentry Catholicism and the court nobility ) resulted in an uneven development of the culinary arts. Also the influence of the Jewish cuisine on the formation of the Belarusian cuisine should not be underestimated.

Special features of the ingredients


In the Belarusian cuisine can be found especially cabbage, peas, beans, carrots and potatoes. At this point, the Belarusian cuisine with the other East Slavic cuisines is closely related.

The potato was introduced in Belarus 75-90 years earlier than in Russia. Popular especially rich in starch potato varieties are grown in Belarus itself.


There is no kitchen in the Belarusian dairy foods in a narrower sense. However, many dishes with cottage cheese, sour cream, whey butter or cooked.


In the Belarusian cuisine yeast has been a long time unknown. This has led to a particular form of round pancakes, the blinis, out. Here is rest of China, a self- acidified mixture of flour and water is used.

To date, pastry is usually baked with baking powder and not yeast.


In the Belarusian cuisine primarily dark flours (oats, rye, barley, buckwheat and pea flour) are used. Bread is made from rye flour, pasta and baked goods made from oatmeal. A look at Belarusian recipes, however, shows that in the meantime also wheat flour has been established.


Mushrooms are not fried in contrast to the Russian cuisine, but boiled or steamed. They are served as a side dish and not eaten as a separate dish. Long was the marinate and insertion of fungi, one in the other East Slavic cuisines very popular method of preparation unknown. Popular how to prepare vegetables and meat dishes with a powder of dried mushrooms is.

Fish and crabs

Belarus has no access to the sea. Therefore, one used mainly river fish and crayfish. The fish is thereby formed mostly as a whole (and often with scales ) baked or chipped material into dumplings. Fish is not fried normally.


In the Belarusian cuisine especially the indigenous forest berries, apples and pears to play a major role. Dishes are usually prepared only using a type of fruit.

Special features of the preparation

In the Belarusian cuisine, the Russian oven is widely used.
