Belle de Boskoop

Chance seedling

The Beautiful from Boskoop, short or Boskoop Boskoop ( obsolete name: Beautiful Boskoop ), a counting of the rennet apples sort of apple culture and winter apples is attributable. His original name was Renetta of Montfort. In Austria and Bavaria, he is counted among the leather apples.


The big apples, which often exceeds 200 g, mature in late September to mid-October through March are durable. It has a sour taste, the high acid content covers its high sugar content.

The tree has a very strong growing, wide spreading crown. He prefers a location on heavy, moist and calcareous soil and is then durable. The variety has proven to be very robust against fireblight.


The variety is susceptible to Kernhausfäule and flesh browning, but only very weakly susceptible to scab.

Since it is a triploid variety in Boskoop, it is not suitable as a pollinator for other apple trees.


The Beautiful from Boskoop is in 1856 as a chance from the pomologists Kornelis Johannes Wilhelm Otto Lander, discovered as a fruiting shoot a Wildling in Boskoop, The Netherlands. He is a widely used standard grade since 1863.

1923 was discovered in the Rhineland from the fruit tree grower Otto Schmitz -Pretty a bud mutation, which is known as Red Boskoop ever since. Except for the color of this has the same characteristics as the initial shape.


The apple can be used in many ways. Due to the high acidity of Boskoop is well suited for making applesauce or apple pancakes as well as baking or baked apple; for lovers more acidic apples he is an excellent dessert fruit. Further the Boskoop for the production of juices and fruit spirits is used.

For some apple Allergy these old apple variety is edible because of the low allergen content.



Seeds of the cultivar Boskoop
