Ben Bag Bag

Ben Bag Bag ( Ben Bag Bag, with full name allegedly Yochanan ben Bag Bag ) is according to different sources Tannaite the first century AD have been.

In the Mishna Avot (Chapter V ) the two hillelitischen similar ( attributed by ARN, chap. XII. , Hillel itself) utterances are given (one of Ben Bag Bag, the second of an alleged " Ben He He ").

If necessary. is it a person who used two different pseudonyms. Perhaps both were (or just this one) Hillel students; some see him as the famous proselyte, the Hillel convinced of the truth of the tradition.

A special speculation related to the importance of the Hebrew alphabet can be found in bSabb. 31a. Various Gematrian considerations ( value " He" = " Bag " ) are hired and drew the conclusion, among others, Bag Bag and He He are one and the same person.

The most famous saying of Ben Bag Bag is ( Avot V, 26):

Ben He He closes the treatise Abot from formally when he said:
