Benoîte Rencurel

Benoîte Rencurel ( born September 16, 1647 Saint- Étienne- le- Laus, Hautes -Alpes, † December 28, 1718 ) was a shepherdess who allegedly had apparitions of the Virgin Mary from 1664 until her death.


Benoîte Rencurel came from a poor family. Her father died when she was 7 years old. She never went to school and was illiterate.

In May 1664 it was published according to information while tending the sheep a " beautiful lady " who told her on August 29, she was the " wife Mary". These phenomena were repeated allegedly four months daily. Later, she is said to have had only sporadic appearances of Mary in the chapel of the village of Le Laus. The phenomenon they called on to repentance, and prayer and penance for sinners. Between 1669 and 1679 it will be Jesus appeared.

The beatification process for Benoîte Rencurel was initiated. On 4 May 2008, the Marian apparitions have been recognized by the Bishop of the Diocese of Gap, Jean -Michel di Falco.

Pictures of Benoîte Rencurel
