Bénouville, Calvados

Bénouville is a commune with 2041 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the canton of Ouistreham Calvados in the Basse -Normandie. It is located about ten kilometers northeast of the city of Caen. Near Bénouville the Caen Canal, which is spanned by the Pegasus bridge flows.

During the Second World War, the Pegasus Bridge and the environment, including Bénouville was, by Allied troops of the 6th British Airborne Division landed in Normandy during the operation Tonga, conquered and occupied. Some Allied soldiers who died during the operation, are buried at the nearby at the Church of Bénouville cemetery.

Among the historically important buildings architecture of the place is one of the Château de Bénouville, which was in 1769, built by Claude- Nicolas Ledoux, one of the main representatives of the French Revolution architecture.
