Berberis canadensis

Canadian Barberry (Berberis canadensis)

The Canadian Barberry (Berberis canadensis, syn. Berberis angulizans ) is a plant from the family of Barberry Family ( Berberidaceae ).


It is native to the northeast and southeast of the United States. Natural reserves are located in forests or clearings, on hillsides and near rivers; at altitudes between 100 and 700 m above sea level.


The Canadian Barberry is a deciduous ( deciduous ) shrub that can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. The shrub is vieltriebig, bent over the thin branches, reddish-brown, bare and slightly edgy. The thorns are in three pieces and over 1 inches long. The upper side vividly green above, gray- white leaves are oblong- ovate, obtuse, entire to dentate and spiny removed to 5 centimeters long, the leaf veins are indistinct. In autumn they are colored scarlet.

Appear in May and June in up to 4.5 centimeters long, racemose inflorescences grouped into six to 15, the small bright yellow flowers. The oblong berries are deep red.


This species and its varieties are used as an ornamental shrub in gardens and parks.

The Cherokee treated with the bark of Berberis canadensis diarrhea.
