Bering Land Bridge National Preserve

The Bering Land Bridge National Preserve is a nature reserve under the management of the National Park Service in the north of the Seward Peninsula of Alaska at the junction of Kotzebue sounds for Chukchi Sea. Cape Espen Berg, the northernmost point of the protected area, located a few kilometers above the Arctic Circle. The continental divide that separates the basins of the Pacific and the Arctic Ocean, passing through the southern part of the Preserves.

Placed under protection are the remains of Beringia, an existing during the Ice Age of the Pleistocene until about 10,000 years ago land bridge between North America and Asia, of which the first people of Siberia were coming immigrated to the American continent.

The reserve was established on 1 December 1978 as a National Monument. On 2 December 1980, the status of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act was changed to that of a National Preserves.

The Bering Land Bridge National Preserve contains several places of geological and prehistoric significance. The hot springs of Serpentine Hot Springs have been used by the indigenous peoples of Alaska. In the Trail Creek Caves, a group of twelve caves, 8500 year old stone tools have been found. The Lost Jim Lava Flow is a lava flow from the Holocene.

There are no roads leading to the area. In summer it can be reached by air or sea, in the winter with snowmobiles or dog sleds.
