Betty Mould-Iddrisu

Betty Mould - Iddrisu ( born March 22, 1953 in Accra ) is since February 2009, Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the West African country of Ghana. She's a lawyer and reached its undergraduate degree at the University of Ghana between 1973 and 1976. Moreover, it has 1978 achieved a Masters degree in Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science ( LSE), University of London. Between 1990 and 2000, she has taught part-time at the Law Faculty of the University of Ghana. She has published several papers and articles on the subject of intellectual property worldwide. She had at times held a senior position in the Commonwealth of Nations in London.

Betty Mould - Iddrisu is a member of the Party National Democratic Congress and the first woman who takes over this ministerial office in Ghana.

Pictures of Betty Mould-Iddrisu
