
The poetry and bibliotherapy is an alternative psychotherapeutic Art Therapy. In German-speaking countries have mainly Hilarion Petzold (Fritz Perls Institute) and Silke home helped the integrative poetry and bibliotherapy for attention, it is, however, in the U.S. and Scandinavia as bibliotherapy in clinics, schools, prisons, rehabilitation centers, counseling centers, child and nursing homes more widespread. The effectiveness of this form of therapy is not yet fully recognized, but recent studies provide evidence for the effectiveness of poetry and bibliotherapy.

Therapy by means of self-written texts

The poetry and bibliotherapy works with agents of the lyric, epic and dramatic. Patients are encouraged under the guidance of a therapist to write texts and talk about it. Contents of the texts can be, for example, experiences, complaints or fictions of the patient. The letter may result in a concentration of thought, a clarification and relief. This letter is to express experiences, fantasies, fears, or other complaints and make public.

Therapy by means of books

As bibliotherapeutische materials imaginative literature come ( poetry and fiction ), or destiny Reports concrete problem solving books ( self-help books, psychological counselor ) into consideration. The therapist selects from the literature.

The objectives of bibliotherapy are that the probability of a positive cognitive and emotional change that improves the reader, he acquires knowledge, modified its settings or changes its behavior. You should give the reader insight into his problem, identify possible solutions, enabling him comparisons with other people and make courage to change.

Books can also support by the (main) form of therapy by the patient can inform regardless of the therapy. He should learn to better understand the therapeutic process.

Pictures of Bibliotherapy
