
51.758055555556 - 1.8302777777778Koordinaten: 51 ° 45 ' N, 1 ° 50 ' W

Bibury is a village in the district of Gloucestershire in England. It is considered very typical village of the Cotswolds.

The artist and writer William Morris called Bibury " the most beautiful village in England " (Eng.: The most beautiful village in England ). The honey-colored stone houses from the 17th century were the habitation of weavers who supplied the neighboring Arlington Mill with fabric.


  • Arlington Mill This former mill now houses a folk and agricultural museum. A room of the building is dedicated to the writer William Morris.
  • Another attraction in Bibury is a trout farm from the year 1902. Annually pulled 10 million rainbow trout.

The little river River Coln flows through the village next to the main road.
