Biernat of Lublin

Biernat z Lublina ( rare Biernat of Lublin ) (* um 1465; † after 1529) was a Polish poet, writer and doctor fable.

He was next to Mikołaj Rej and Jan Kochanowski one of the first names are known Polish-language writer of Polish literature.

Biernat is the author or translator of the first known Polish-language prayer book Raj duszny, the Florian in Krakow Ungler appeared in print in 1513 and the oldest surviving, is completely in Polish printed book.

But Biernat also wrote secular works, even considered as antiklerischer critics of the hierarchical church.

Works (selection)

  • Raj duszny ( 1513)
  • Żywot Ezopa ( 1522)
  • Dialogue Palinura z Charonem ( 1536 )