Bijago language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Bidyogo


The Bijago or Bidyogo is the language of Bissagos Archipelago of Guinea- Bissau. It is spoken by the ethnic group of Bijagos.

The grammar is very complex and there are difficulties with the understanding between the dialects. The Kamona dialect of the islands Caravela and Carache is towards others almost incomprehensible.

It assigns the Bijago a as an isolated language within the West Atlantic languages. In addition, the Bijago is considered as an independent single group of Atlantic - Congo languages ​​within the Niger -Congo language family.


The Kajko dialect of Bijago is one of the few language varieties in the world, one of which is known to use a linguolabialen consonants of certain stop [ d], in its basic sound system.
