
The term education bourgeoisie refers to a mid-18th century in Europe resulting influential class of society, which was characterized by humanistic education, literature, science and involvement in state and community.


18th century

The educated middle class professional occupations were particularly well represented: professors, pastors, teachers, pharmacists, doctors, lawyers, judges, merchants, musicians, artists, engineers, senior officials, etc. These professional groups linked to a novel feature: they were all (at least their by definition ) does not enter into their professional (and therefore social ) positions due to a geburtsständischen entitlement, but based on their own performance.

Cause of the formation of this layer was the spätabsolutistische administrative state, which a large number of well-trained officer needed for its reform activity that could not bring forth the old system. Under this policy, the government established a training colleges, whose number was substantial in relation to the rest of Europe, especially in the larger German states. The respective States, the loyalty of the emerging civil service secured by granting tax privileges, exemption from military service and favor in court. In this way, a new außerständisch - middle classes that are neither politically nor economically, but administratively and culturally defined and thus contributed decisively to the development of a pan- German national idea was born.

19th century

The educated middle of the 19th century is characterized ( according to K. Vondung; see references therein) by the following characteristics of:

  • Academic training,
  • " In-group " behavior, brought about by similar pathways; the layer of other social groups excluded from part about this behavior,
  • High self-recruitment,
  • Social prestige is more important than economic prosperity,
  • Predominantly Protestant denomination,
  • Considered as " cultural elite " and
  • Busy professionals who continue to convey the bourgeois order designs and can be as socially dominant.

In Germany, first developed the officials and educated middle class, only with the onset of industrialization in Germany ( 1850 ) won the economic bourgeoisie to influence. This took over the development of the German bourgeoisie fundamentally different direction than in the neighboring countries France and England - for the bourgeoisie of these countries the participation of economic power was the central point. About this they could as representatives of the general public call for participation in political power. The German officials and educated middle class began only during the first half of the 19th century to become politically active. However, he initiated the 1848 revolution failed because of the disagreement of the educated middle class. After the failure of the revolution, it withdrew from politics and returned only in the 1860s in the public life back. The deal with resulting difference in the internal political development of Germany and, for example, in France ( and the persistence of Russia in absolutism on the other hand ) is seen often as the cause of the logic of a " German special path " ( Wehler ), and thus one of the ideological factors in the first World War.

Significantly, the distinction between the French terms Citoyen (about: citizen, citizen education ) and Bourgeois ( about: owning citizens, citizens rule ). The citizen thinks formed in contrast to the typical property-owning citizens not only of themselves and the money being an above average income or assets in these circles is usually assumed. As capital is understood in these circles, the presence of knowledge, relationships and connections, what they see as the more original and more significant capital assets perceive as the money capital. Merchants or even craftsmen find difficult recognition in these intellectual circles.


The social relevance that fell to the educated middle class as an interpretation elite cultural phenomena, was based largely on the dominant position both in universities and schools, as well as in the production and distribution of public opinion. Thus, the educated middle class built on education and language barriers that made ​​it become an elite layer to the uneducated won difficult access. On the other hand, took over the educated classes often also responsible for the community and education.

When exposed Education citizens of the 20th century, the writer Thomas Mann, Jochen Klepper or family Weizsäcker called occasionally.

In addition, now preserved in the entertainment and popular culture, the terms educated middle class and educated middle has a pejorative connotation, the exaggerated culturally interested and educated people is against ( the speaker 's opinion ).
