Biometrics Institute

The Biometrics Institute ( German: Institute of biometrics ) is an independent international organization that provides information, training, research and an active network of experts on biometrics offers. The association is a group of users whose members mainly government agencies and companies such as financial institutions that use biometric technologies currently or in the future, technology providers and consultants are also members, however, have less statutory discretions in association matters as the user. The club is located in Australia and in Europe and has over 100 member organizations. The club organizes four international conferences per year: in March in Wellington, New Zealand, in May in Sydney, Australia, in London in June and in November in Canberra, Australia.


The Institute of Biometrics was founded in October 2001 with one-time funding from the Australian government. In July 2011 it opened a branch in London. The Articles of Association of the Institute of Biometrics gives users more choice rights as the manufacturers. It has so far worked on two projects successfully in collaboration with the Australian Government: a Data Protection Policy of biometric data and a method to measure the vulnerability of biometric systems.


According to the statutes, the Institute of biometrics has the task to promote the responsible use of biometric technologies. It is a forum for discussion on biometrics not only for members, but also other interested parties. It offers training courses and conferences to inform members about biometrics and to assist them in the implementation of the technology. It participates in the development of standards and test methods, and provides the opportunity to learn about experiences in biometrics in an informal way.



  • Biometrics Institute official website
  • International Organization

Pictures of Biometrics Institute
