Bioresonance therapy

The bioresonance therapy, abbreviated BRT, alternative names are Mora therapy, biophysical information therapy or multi-resonance therapy, is an alternative medical approach to treating allergies, migraines, sleep disorders, chronic pain and other illnesses. This includes medical conditions that are unknown in evidence-based medicine and contrary to fundamental insights about human physiology (see, " sugar allergy" ). The bioresonance therapy was introduced in 1977 by the German physician Franz Morell and Scientologists and his son, the engineer Erich Rasche as MORA - therapy. Bioresonanztherapie not part of the range of methods of scientific medicine. Evidence for efficacy of bioresonance therapy that goes beyond placebo effects, there is not. The bioresonance therapy has nothing to do with biofeedback.


The bioresonance are derived from the spread in the United States since 1920 Radionics. The corresponding devices are placed on electrodes with at least two parts of the skin of the subject in connection. In the simplest case, the subject takes two movable electrodes in each hand. The exact function is not disclosed by the manufacturers and developers. Presumably, they measure the resistance of the skin, similar to a lie detector, electro-acupuncture according to Voll ( EAV) or the E-meter used in Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, has developed a " Radionics " device ). Some devices amplify electrical signals in the low frequency range, as the amplifier on a stereo.

The users indicate that there body's electrical signals that can be made to measure to the skin. Diseases and malfunctions were (frequencies) caused on the basis of changed body specific electromagnetic oscillations identified or through this before. Through interference with the inverted signal one could reverse the pathological electromagnetic oscillations and thus relieve the patient's body. The devices were able to isolate from a variety of the body's electrical signals and external noise the significant signals.

Each nervous system produces very low electrical voltages and currents, and uses this for the conduction of excitation in the central and peripheral nervous system ( Myoelectric ). In addition there will be varying electric potentials also in the contraction of muscle cells. This results in weak electromagnetic fields that are measurable with the methods of modern medicine. So can be made visible, for example, with scientifically established methods the electrical processes of cardiac muscle in the ECG. Other examples include the EEG, the weak electric potentials, which are derived from the head skin, making visible. In addition, the MEG comes to the representation of weak magnetic fields in the brain.

So far no evidence was submitted to support the claimed by the advocates of bioresonance therapy normal or pathological frequency patterns. There are also no physical and biological basis for a " deletion " of such frequency patterns in the body scientifically proven, as is assumed by the representatives of bioresonance therapy.


A large number of scientific studies have shown that treatment results in the allergy treatment of children were not reproducible.

Position of the statutory health insurance

Due to the lack of scientific proof of efficacy of biophysical treatment concept bioresonance therapy by the Joint Federal Committee of Physicians and Sickness Funds has been excluded from the general reimbursement by statutory health insurance in Germany. A reimbursement by public health insurance therefore requires a so-called single case of this decision.

Not to be moved further into the proximity of Scientology, several significant associations listed therapists around in the 1990s and exiled " bioresonance " from its name. So there are similar procedures under the name Biokommunikations, Bicom, Multicom and multi-resonance therapy, biophysical information therapy ( BIT), Diagnostic resonance therapy ( DRT ), Sequential frequency diagnostics, Lykotronik therapy, SomaDyne, VegaSTT or matrix Regerationstherapie.

In Switzerland, however, bioresonance therapy of some health insurance is funded as part of a supplementary.

Pictures of Bioresonance therapy
