Bird's Opening

In the Bird Opening (also Dutch in the suit ) is an opening of the chess game. It is one of the closed games and begins with the train

1 f2 - f4

The Bird Opening is also known under the name of Dutch in the suit. It is named after the English chess player Henry Edward Bird. Your ECO code is A02 and A03.

The strategic basic idea of ​​this opening is in control of the center field e5, which is usually supported with the trains Sg1 -f3, g2 - g3 and the Fianchetto of the rotor according to f1 g2. The namesake Bird himself has used this opening move in its approximately 250 traditional white games 92 times ( 37, -44, = 11).

The most famous game with the Bird Opening played the German former world champion Emanuel Lasker: Lasker - Bauer, Amsterdam 1889.

The most common response black coatings on the Bird Opening are:

This pawn sacrifice is mostly adopted by white players (2nd f4xe5 ), is also possible 2 e2 -e4 with the transition to the King's Gambit.

This sequence of moves corresponds with the colors reversed Dutch Defence ( 1 d2 -d4 f7 - f5 ). The local black constructions, according to White line up here, eg with g2 - g3 plus 2 Lf1 - g2 as in " Leningrad System ", or, as an alternative, with the development of the Kingdom runner after e2, d3 or b5 as in "classic" Dutch.

Black is waiting here with d7 -d5 and instead reserves various Indian constructions.

This could be white with 2 e2- e4 transition together with d2 -d4 in different Abspiele of Modern defense, while d2 -d3 would (instead of d2 -d4 ) correspond to the usual schemes of the Bird Opening.

In this unusual variant is in addition to a normal installation, as with Fianchetto, even the Swiss Gambit 2 e2- e4 possible.


The following game played Bird in 1880 with the white pieces (place and opponent is not known? ).

1 f2 - f4 d7 -d5 2 e2 -e3 c7 - c5 3 Sg1 -f3 e7 - e6 4 b2 -b3 Sb8 - c6 5 Lc1 -b2 Ng8 - f6 6 Lf1 -d3 (nowadays one would 6. Lf1 - b5 - e5 Nf3 accompanied by any prefer ) 6 ... Bf8 - e7 a2 -a3 7 0-0 8 0-0 b7 - b6 9 Dd1 - e1 Bc8 - b7 10 De1 - h4 g7- g6? 11 Nf3 - g5 h7 - h5 12 g2 - g4! Sf6xg4? ( Rescue possible: 12 ... d5 -d4 and balanced ) 13 Dh4xh5 g6xh5 14 Bd3 - h7 #.

Pictures of Bird's Opening
