BirdLife Malta

BirdLife Malta is the Maltese nature and bird conservation organization. It is a partner of Birdlife International. Active goes BirdLife Malta with foreign support against the traditionally anchored, but illegal bird hunting before. The organization works closely with the EU LIFE project for the Mediterranean shearwater, with the Malta Environment and Planning Authority and the HSBC Cares for the Environment Fund. It operates two nature reserves, including the Ghadira Nature Reserve.

Marines Reserve Rdum tal- Madonna and shearwaters protection

Due to an initiative by BirdLife Malta, the RSPB, SPEA ( BirdLife in the UK and BirdLife in Portugal ) and four Maltese government organizations started in 2006 a four-year LIFE -Nature project with the aim yelkuan Puffinus to halt the decline of the Mediterranean shearwater and reverse. Furthermore, it should be directed public attention on these seabird and marine habitat will be further explored. The project focuses on the SPA area (Special Protected Area) Rdum tal- Madonna ( special bird sanctuary ), which houses the largest colony in the country. With the area a safe haven for the shearwaters to be created by there the hazards that affect the colony since its discovery in 1969, will be reduced. The protective measures have focused on the control of losses due to rats, the reduction of terrestrial and maritime any interference from light and noise, to reduce illegal hunting and on research into the effects of longline fishing. There are now more Mediterranean shearwaters fledged from the colony.

The ecology and habitat preferences of the Mediterranean shearwaters were detected with high frequency transmitters ( Wildlife telemetry ). Here, scientists have discovered that they can up to 300 km in search of fish to cover the coastal area even where they focus on the fishing grounds in Maltese and international waters. The satellite channels on the legs of the Mediterranean shearwaters showed that the fledged young birds themselves constantly attracted by the eastern Mediterranean, where they focused on the Aegean Sea, but also from time to time to find on the Adriatic Sea, the North African coast and eastward to the Black Sea were. Thanks to this project, BirdLife Malta will propose the expulsion of Malta's first marine SPA area for the Mediterranean shearwater. Project partners in this project are BirdLife Malta, RSPB, SPEA, the Maltese National Centre for Fisheries and Research, the Maltese military, Heritage Malta and Transport Malta.

  • BirdLife
  • Conservation organization
  • Organization ( Malta)
  • Ta ' Xbiex