Bitola inscription

The Bitola inscription is an inscription in Slavic Glagolitic, or Old Bulgarian language. It dates from the time of Ivan Vladislav, who reigned 1015-1018, the last Tsar of the First Bulgarian Empire. Macedonian historians see him as the last Tsar of a possible Macedonian state in the Middle Ages, this inscription is disregarded.

The inscription (now in the Republic of Macedonia) found in December 1956 in demolition work at a mosque in Bitola. The mosque itself was probably built from stones of the Bitola fortress. In the inscription of the rulers announced the completion of the fortress of Bitola and describes himself as Bulgarians. This fact is contrary to the official state doctrine of " Macedonianism " in the Republic of Macedonia.

As evidence of the historical and political delicacy of the inscription can view the scandal that caused this inscription 2006. So at that time had the French Consulate in Macedonia, which has a tourism catalog for Bitola co-authored with official representatives of the Republic of Macedonia, without prior consultation used a photograph of the stone as the title page of this catalog. Apparently, the French Consulate of the implications of his decision was not aware, as the stone contains the word "Bulgarians". According to an official protest of the City Council of Bitola, the pressure of tourism catalog has been set, and the French consul apologized officially the Macedonian state.

Today the inscription is exhibited in the Museum of Bitola. Curiously, the stone was upside down, ie with the blank back side up, on display. In this way, should be avoided if one could read what is written there. Meanwhile, the stone will be issued in the correct direction ..

The inscription

Some fragments of the text are easily damaged. However, they were reconstructed by Vladimir Moshin and Jordan Zaimow.

Original in Old Bulgarian

" † Въ лѣто Ѕ ҃Ф ҃К ҃Г ҃ отъ створенїа мира обнови сѧ съ градь зидаемъ и дѣлаемъ Їѡаном самодрьжъцемъ блъгарьскомь и помощїѫ и молїтвамї прѣс ҃тыѧ влад ҃чицѧ нашеѧ Б ҃чѧ ї въз () стѫпенїе І ҃В ҃ ı връховънюю ап ҃лъсъ же градь дѣлань бысть на ѹбѣжище и на сп҃сенѥ ї на жизнь бльгаромъ начѧть же бысть градь сь Битола м ҃ца окто ҃вра въ К ҃. Конъчѣ же сѧ м ҃ца ... исходѧща съ самодрьжъць быстъ бльгарїнь родомь ѹнѹкъ Николы же ї Риѱимиѧ благовѣрьнѹ сынь Арона Самоила же брата сѫща ц ҃рѣ самодрьжавьнаго іаже ı разбїсте въ Щїпонѣ грьчьскѫ воїскѫ ц ҃рѣ Васїлїа кде же взѧто бы злато ... фоѧ съжев. .. ц҃рь разбїенъ бы ц҃рѣмь Васїлїемь Ѕ ҃Ф ҃К ҃В ҃ г. лтѣ оть створенїѧ мира ... їѹ съп () лѣтѹ семѹ и сходѧщѹ "

German translation

"In the year 6523 (1015) since the creation of the earth, this fortress was created and built by Ivan, Tsar of Bulgaria, renewed with the help and the prayers of our most sacred wife and the intercession of her twelve apostles highest. The fort was built as the sky and for the salvation of the lives of all Bulgarians. Work on the fortress of Bitola commenced on the twentieth day of October and ending on (...) This Tsar was Bulgarian by birth, grandson of the pious Nikola and Ripsimia, son of Aaron, who was the brother of Samuel the Tsar of the Bulgarians, both the Greek army of Emperor Basil II struck at Stipone where gold was taken ( ... ) and (...) the Tsar was defeated by Emperor Basil in 6522 (1014 ) since the creation of the earth in Klyutsch and died at the end of this summer. "

The reconstructed by the Macedonian Historian Ugrinova - Skalovska text is very similar to this.
