Black crowned crane

Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina )

The Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina ) is a species of bird in the family of Cranes ( Gruidae ). He is closely related to the South African Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum ) and the State Emblem of Uganda.


The Crowned Crane (more precisely, the black-necked crowned crane, English Black Crowned Crane ), is defined by its straw-colored " feather crown " and the velvety spring-bead on the head. From South Africa Crowned Crane ( Grey -necked crowned crane, English Grey Crowned Crane ), it differs by the dark gray neck feathers and the very small wattles.

Habitat and Distribution

The Crowned Crane is found in West Africa and the Sahel. The IUCN classified the species since 2000 as " Near Threatened ", because the stocks - especially due to loss of habitat - go back. To find the Crowned Crane in swampy areas on the marsh as well as in tree savanna and in cultivated land.


Face drawing of a crowned crane in the world Walsrode Bird Park.

Crown and fletching

Crowned Crane in flight
