Black hole information paradox

The information paradox is a paradox that results from the merger of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

If an object falls into a black hole, it loses all physical information down to its quantum mechanical properties (mass, spin and charge ). However, since the quantum mechanics based on the assumption that information can not be lost, the result is a paradoxical situation. Stephen Hawking solves the problem with the statement that in the black hole falling objects could briefly disrupt the radiation field so that information, even if damaged, can seep through.

A newer approach an explanation postulated Hawking end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 with the description of a mock horizon and the statement that black holes therefore, in contrast to classical assumptions have no event horizon. However, the description of black holes by means of a glow horizon poses new challenges for the description of black holes. The omission of the event horizon would lead to a radical rethink. So black holes would not form stable systems more, for example, Keep trapped behind the event horizon at all time photons. You would be unstable and would matter, as well as photons, bind only for a limited time.
